Imperial Loyalty: Mitrinla’s Duty
Mitrinla is a Raixhen ultimale working at a diner. For years, she has worked and been active in exorizzen causes, but now she has come to realise that in order to change the system, she cannot be outside of it. So she and a few of her friends join the Raixhen Imperial Fleet to gain opportunity to further their cause as citizens. But destiny and those beyond have other plans for them as their years in service become much more exciting than they had anticipated.
The Cast:
A Raixhen ultimate born on the colony world of Afwanta in the Raixhen Empire. During her childhood on a colonial world, she encountered many other species of the Empire and befriended many of them. Growing up, she slowly learned the expectations of the people of the Empire and saw that exorrizens were denied many priviliges afforded to people of a member species. When she finished mandatory school, she moved from Afwanta to the capital world of Raixhla in the hopes that she could create change for her friends back home and other exorrizens in the Empire.
A Raixhen midmale born on Raixhla. They grew up in a rural town on the continent of Orilli surrounded by mostly other Raixher and experienced little of the wider galaxy. Once they had finished the mandatory schooling in their hometown, they moved to the capital city of Xhetlodzej in the hopes of one day making more of their life. Kaitju met Mitrinla there, and they have been close friends ever since.
A Raixhen primale born on Raixhla. He grew up in an urban town and became artistically inclined early on. In school, he was a goof ball who enjoyed having fun while expressing himself through art. He went to university to study art, but after conflicts with his teachers, he dropped out to pursue his own career as he saw fit. After creating an artistic piece that went viral on the cognisphere, he was invited to do more art in Xhetlodzej. Unfortunately, after that one piece, a lot of interest disappeared. He remained in the capital and met Mitrinla.
An exome hermaphrodite Djone born on Raixhla. Zhi grew up in a rural area and early on found a passion for nature. Zhi and zhir father often spent long periods of time camping out in the wilderness where zhi learned how to survive on little to no modern technology. Zhi learned the value of comradery in nature and the necessary of working together, which has, since zhir childhood, put zhim at odds with authority figures due to zhir particular interpretation of comradery.