Warfare 205: The Aftermath of War
In today's blogpost, I discuss what happens after a war ends and some semblance of peace can be restored.
Worldbuilding 205: Killing & Murder
In today's Spooky October blogpost, I discuss the differences between killing and murder, plus many ways to do it, and that it is only okay if they are level 5 annoying to you.
Worldbuilding 205: Winners write history
In today's blogpost, I examine the old saying, “History is written by the winners,” and dismantle it to reveal the truth.
Worldbuilding 205: Food and cooking
I discuss the basics of food and its role in society, and how you can do even more in alien settings.
Worldbuilding 205: Alien Queerness
I discuss a bit on how one can add new kinds of queerness when reproductive systems change.