Practicum: Holidays - Tribravery
In today's holiday blogpost, I do a practicum on the Tribravery, a Raixhen Holiday!
Worldbuilding 203: YARRR PIRACY!
Yarr, in today's blogpost, we be talkin' ‘bout pirates! How they be fitting ye world and some of the myths people be believin’.
Worldbuilding 203: Voting Systems
In today’s election special blogpost, we are taking a look into voting systems: what systems exist, and what can be done with them?
Practicum: Ethical Circuses
In today's blogpost, Anne and I offer a practicum on ethical animals again, this time focusing on circuses as we explore a circus from Stellima!
Worldbuilding 202: AI and Worldbuilding
Today’s blogpost is about AI: what is is, how it works, and how to use it for worldbuilding.
Writing 202: Savior Stories
In today's blogpost, the magnificent Anne discusses saviour stories, the multiple issues with using them, and the ways you can use them to promote tolerance instead of intolerance.
Worldbuilding and Writing 202: Bigotry
In today's post, Anne and I discuss bigotry in terms of worldbuilding and how to write about it without endorsing it.
Worldbuilding 205: Winners write history
In today's blogpost, I examine the old saying, “History is written by the winners,” and dismantle it to reveal the truth.
Worldbuilding 201 Spirituality & Religion
In today's post, I discuss spirituality and religion along with the basis for making your own.
Worldbuilding 201: Holidays
I discuss holidays in broad strokes to help you know what to think about when you worldbuild
Worldbuilding 205: Food and cooking
I discuss the basics of food and its role in society, and how you can do even more in alien settings.
Worldbuilding 201: Cultures
A heavy discussion on the early stages of a culture and what makes it a culture.
Worldbuilding 201: Aquatic civilisations
Discussion about underwater civilisation. They are fascinating but rarely done in any meaningful and interesting way. So let’s try making them interesting!
Worldbuilding 102: Slavery
A discussion about slavery as a thing in worlds and why it has existed and why it continues.