Conlang 102: Phonology
In today’s blogpost, I continue my quest to help with conlanging, or constructed language making. Today’s topic is Phonology!
Conlanging 101: An introduction
In today's blogpost, I start a new series about conlanging, or creating constructed languages. What are all the steps? They are many, so let's get started!
Worldbuilding & Writing 105: Propaganda
Today's topic is propaganda and how it can be used in both worldbuilding and writing.
Practicum: Fictoscience Fantasy
In today's practicum, Anne Winchell shows how fictoscience can be used in a fantasy setting.
Worldbuilding 202: AI and Worldbuilding
Today’s blogpost is about AI: what is is, how it works, and how to use it for worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding & Writing 201: Speeches
Anne Winchell and I talk about how to do speeches, what makes them work, and what makes them fall short.
Worldbuilding & Writing 201: Scary stories
I talk about how scary stories can be used to enhance worldbuilding and writing in and of itself, and Anne provides an amazing example.
Worldbuilding and Writing 201: Offensive language
Anne and I discuss offensive language both as a worldbuilding tool and as something to use in writing.
Worldbuilding & Writing 101: Fictoscience & Technobabble
A discussion about technobabble and fictoscience, what are the differences nad how to improve them.