Worldbuilding 202: Anarchy
In today’s post, we take on something people seem to like that tends to show up in two extreme states, namely anarchy.
Worldbuilding 202: Monarchies - Ascending the throne
In today's blogpost, I go over the basics of monarchies: what types there are, what they are, and various strategies for passing down the crown.
Worldbuilding 203: Voting Systems
In today’s election special blogpost, we are taking a look into voting systems: what systems exist, and what can be done with them?
Worldbuilding 202: Socialism
In today's blogpost, I discuss socialism and how it is often misunderstood, going through several options one can choose to make their own socialisms.
Worldbuilding 201: Colonization
In today's post, I discuss how and why colonisation has come about historically and how you can use it in worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding 302: Corruption
In this post, I talk about corruption in broad strokes: how it works, and how it can even be useful to some degree.
Worldbuilding 104: Rules for Rulers
In this post, I discuss the rules that apply to rulers, their importance in maintaining power, and how to break them to overturn the current ruler.
Worldbuilding 202: The Big Lie (of society)
Today’s discussion is all about what I call “the Big Lie” which is inherent to all societies and is fundamental to their function.
Worldbuilding 202: Capitalism
A discussion what capitalism really is rather than the delusion of free market.
Worldbuilding 101: Governments
A rough overview on how governments work, how they have looked through time and why they exist.