Worldbuilding 202: Anarchy
In today’s post, we take on something people seem to like that tends to show up in two extreme states, namely anarchy.
Worldbuilding 202: Monarchies - Ascending the throne
In today's blogpost, I go over the basics of monarchies: what types there are, what they are, and various strategies for passing down the crown.
Worldbuilding 202: Healthcare
In today’s blogpost, I explore the basics of a healthcare system for your world and how to use it to enrich your world.
Writing & Worldbuilding 202: Monsters
In today's blogpost, Anne Winchell and I finalize our Spooky October marathon by talking about monsters! Whether real or imagined, we've got you covered!
Writing 202: Writing Human Senses
In today's blogpost, Anne talks about human senses and how to write them along with how to deal with characters who differ from the norm.
Worldbuilding 202: Law and Order
In today's blogpost, I discuss the basics of laws and their infrastructure.
Worldbuilding 202: AI and Worldbuilding
Today’s blogpost is about AI: what is is, how it works, and how to use it for worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding 202: Socialism
In today's blogpost, I discuss socialism and how it is often misunderstood, going through several options one can choose to make their own socialisms.
Writing 202: Savior Stories
In today's blogpost, the magnificent Anne discusses saviour stories, the multiple issues with using them, and the ways you can use them to promote tolerance instead of intolerance.
Worldbuilding and Writing 202: Bigotry
In today's post, Anne and I discuss bigotry in terms of worldbuilding and how to write about it without endorsing it.
Worldbuilding 202: The Big Lie (of society)
Today’s discussion is all about what I call “the Big Lie” which is inherent to all societies and is fundamental to their function.
Worldbuilding 202: Capitalism
A discussion what capitalism really is rather than the delusion of free market.