Character 105: From Character to Person
In today’s blogpost, Anne and I terrorise Bob more and ask, what is the difference between a character... and a person?
Character 104: Defining your Character
In this week’s blogpost, Anne and I continue our exploration of building characters by looking at various strategies to define your characters.
Practicum: Fictoscience Fantasy
In today's practicum, Anne Winchell shows how fictoscience can be used in a fantasy setting.
Character 103: Trauma and Edumucation
Anne and I talk about how education and trauma play important roles in how a character becomes who they are.
Character 102: Setting the Foundation
Anne Winchell and I discuss characters' childhoods and how they affect their future
Practicum: Fantasy Mana Diseases (With Anne)
A practicum in which Anne Winchell discusses a magical world and magical diseases that can be done for entertainment in writing.