Character 105: From Character to Person
In today’s blogpost, Anne and I terrorise Bob more and ask, what is the difference between a character... and a person?
Writing 201: Fight Scenes
In today’s Spooky October blogpost, the great Sun Anne will share her wisdom on how to set up and write compelling fight scenes from beginning to end.
Character 104: Defining your Character
In this week’s blogpost, Anne and I continue our exploration of building characters by looking at various strategies to define your characters.
Writing 201: Humour
In today's blogpost, Anne and I discuss humor: what it is, why it exists, how to use it in writing, plus we give descriptions of a variety of different types.
Writing 105: Genre
Anne and I categorize various writing genres and the promises they make.
Character 103: Trauma and Edumucation
Anne and I talk about how education and trauma play important roles in how a character becomes who they are.
Character 101: Character Flavours
Anne Winchell and I discuss how to make a well-rounded character using flavours as a metaphor.
Writing 201: Subtext
Anne Winchell discusses subtext and how to use it effectively; I sabotage it, sometimes.
Character 102: Setting the Foundation
Anne Winchell and I discuss characters' childhoods and how they affect their future
Writing 102: Dialogue
Anne Winchell talks and speaks and expounds about dialogue and how to do it well
Writing 102: Conflict
Anne Winchell discusses conflict in literature and how it is vital to a story in some form.
Character 101: Getting Started
Anne and I talk together about how to make a character and the start of development, and we begin of a new series.
Writing 101: Dramatic Structure
Anne Winchell details ways to structure stories around a dramatic question from the 3 Act Structure to the Hero’s Journey and beyond.
Writing 101: Exposition
Anne Winchell comes back yet again to discuss how to improve information giving in writing without turning it into infodumps, exposition is important.
Worldbuilding 101: Cogs
A short blog where I explain the concept of a cog in worldbuilding as I introduce it