Worldbuilding 202: Socialism
In today's blogpost, I discuss socialism and how it is often misunderstood, going through several options one can choose to make their own socialisms.
Worldbuilding and Writing 202: Bigotry
In today's post, Anne and I discuss bigotry in terms of worldbuilding and how to write about it without endorsing it.
Worldbuilding 205: Winners write history
In today's blogpost, I examine the old saying, “History is written by the winners,” and dismantle it to reveal the truth.
Worldbuilding 201 Spirituality & Religion
In today's post, I discuss spirituality and religion along with the basis for making your own.
Worldbuilding 201: Colonization
In today's post, I discuss how and why colonisation has come about historically and how you can use it in worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding 203: Energy and Power
Today's blogpost is about energy and power, including how they work and what they can do, plus how to make up new fictional ones.
Worldbuilding 302: Corruption
In this post, I talk about corruption in broad strokes: how it works, and how it can even be useful to some degree.
Worldbuilding 104: Rules for Rulers
In this post, I discuss the rules that apply to rulers, their importance in maintaining power, and how to break them to overturn the current ruler.
Worldbuilding & Writing 201: Speeches
Anne Winchell and I talk about how to do speeches, what makes them work, and what makes them fall short.
Worldbuilding Omega-2023
The year has come to an end and this is the last post of 2023! A little surprise lies within.
Worldbuilding 201: Holidays
I discuss holidays in broad strokes to help you know what to think about when you worldbuild
Worldbuilding 102: Economic Trade
In this blogpost, I discuss how trade works on a basic level.
Worldbuilding 202: The Big Lie (of society)
Today’s discussion is all about what I call “the Big Lie” which is inherent to all societies and is fundamental to their function.
Worldbuilding 205: Food and cooking
I discuss the basics of food and its role in society, and how you can do even more in alien settings.
Worldbuilding & Writing 201: Scary stories
I talk about how scary stories can be used to enhance worldbuilding and writing in and of itself, and Anne provides an amazing example.
Worldbuilding 201: Struo, Elements, Materials, and Substances
I discuss how to create new substances and materials so that they feel like they belong to the world.
Worldbuilding 205: Alien Queerness
I discuss a bit on how one can add new kinds of queerness when reproductive systems change.
Worldbuilding and Writing 201: Offensive language
Anne and I discuss offensive language both as a worldbuilding tool and as something to use in writing.
Worldbuilding 201: Introducing Death
I introduce death as a concept in worldbuilding and how many things affect people and their relationship to death.
Worldbuilding 201: Magic Systems
A worldbuilding discussion about magic systems with Anne Winchell to celebrate her book being published.