Worldbuilding 201: Aquatic civilisations
Discussion about underwater civilisation. They are fascinating but rarely done in any meaningful and interesting way. So let’s try making them interesting!
Worldbuilding & Writing 101: Fictoscience & Technobabble
A discussion about technobabble and fictoscience, what are the differences nad how to improve them.
Worldbuilding 201: Alien Sexes
A discussion about weirdness in sexes and potential expansions for fictional creations!
Practicum: Fantasy Mana Diseases (With Anne)
A practicum in which Anne Winchell discusses a magical world and magical diseases that can be done for entertainment in writing.
Worldbuilding 102: Faster than light travel
We are talking about faster than light travel. Pros and cons of various common forms and things to think on.
Worldbuilding 101: Communication
A discussion about communication in general and how it affects societies.
Worldbuilding 102: Illnesses and Diseases
A discussion about illnesses and diseases that do exist and can be used for inspiration for fictional ones to spice up the world.
Worldbuilding 102: Slavery
A discussion about slavery as a thing in worlds and why it has existed and why it continues.
Writing 101: Exposition
Anne Winchell comes back yet again to discuss how to improve information giving in writing without turning it into infodumps, exposition is important.
Worldbuilding 102: Alien biology and senses
A discussion on what a sense is, which humans and other species have and how to make up new ones
Worldbuilding 101: Currency
A quick discussion on what currencies are, what they have to do and examples through history.
Practicum: Tsxobjez
A discussion about my species of Tsxobjezn and my reasoning behind the various decisions I have made for them.
Worldbuilding 101: Alien biologies
A quick look into the world of alien biologies, or xenobiology. What can we make and what could be done to make things interesting?
Worldbuilding 101: Cogs
A short blog where I explain the concept of a cog in worldbuilding as I introduce it
Worldbuilding 101: The 15 rules of worldbuilding (of mine)
This blogpost contains 15 rules I consider fundamental to good worldbuilding along with explanations as to why they matter and how to utilise them.
Worldbuilding 101: Fictional Economies
A brief discussion on what economies are and what types have existed through history.
Worldbuilding 101: Governments
A rough overview on how governments work, how they have looked through time and why they exist.